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General State Budget - Minnesota Senate Budget Discussion

Minnesota Senate Budget Discussion

Solving the Budget Problem Together


Entries for the ‘General State Budget’ Category

February Economic Forecast Released — Deficit Increasing

State economists released an updated state budget forecast on Tuesday, March 3rd.  The total state budget deficit has grown by more than 25% since the last forecast was released in November, totaling $6.4 billion for the next two-year budget cycle, 2010-2011.  The amount of revenue the state expects to take in will drop to $30.7 [...]

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What If We Solved The Budget Deficit Through Cuts Alone?

Participants in this budget discussion website have asked for more information on what would happen to the budget if the Legisltaure solved the deficit only through cuts in spending.
Senate Fiscal Staff prepared the information below in order to show the amount of spending that would need to be cut if the deficit were solved by [...]

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Welcome to the Senate Budget Discussion

Thank you for visiting the Minnesota State Senate’s Budget Discussion Website.  This is an online community designed to invite you to contribute your ideas on the state budget.  Your ideas will help the Senate develop a budget that reflects the values and needs of our communities.
During this Session, the state will set its budget for [...]

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General State Budget

Readers suggested that we create a space for people to propose budget ideas that do not neatly fit into one of the existing budget categories.  This area can be a space for you to think creatively about budget ideas that impact more than one traditional budget area. 
If, however, you have a list of ideas [...]

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