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~ Governor announces plans for state’s sesquicentennial celebration, unveils logo ~

Governor Tim Pawlenty today announced plans for a statewide celebration of Minnesota’s 150 years of statehood in 2008. In addition to detailing preliminary plans for the state’s 150th anniversary year, including a grants program and fundraising effort to support sesquicentennial events and projects at state and local levels, the Governor unveiled the sesquicentennial logo.

150 years ago this week, the United States Congress passed an enabling act to allow voters in the Minnesota Territory to decide whether they wanted to become a state. The Sesquicentennial Commission is planning and promoting activities to coincide with the timeline beginning this week and continuing through to May 11, 2008, when Minnesota became the 32nd state admitted to the Union.

“Today we remember the perseverance and determination of Minnesota’s early leaders who brought us together as a state and we look forward to another 150 years of the enterprising and innovative spirit that makes Minnesota special,” Governor Pawlenty said.

Governor Pawlenty also announced the creation of a sesquicentennial matching grants program and a fundraising and volunteer effort to support sesquicentennial projects and events at state and local levels. As part of his budget, Governor Pawlenty submitted to the legislature a $2 million budget for sesquicentennial initiatives for the coming biennium, which includes at least $750,000 for a matching grants program to help local communities with improvement projects and sesquicentennial celebrations. An equal amount of money is included to support projects of regional and statewide significance.

Businesses and foundations can help match those funds and more, by sponsoring and underwriting sesquicentennial-inspired efforts that will help Minnesota lead the way in innovation, education, arts and culture, and health and wellness, which have been identified as areas of emphasis for the sesquicentennial. Sponsorship and underwriting forms are available on the State’s sesquicentennial website, at:

“Our goal is for every one of Minnesota’s 87 counties to be involved in the sesquicentennial,” Sesquicentennial Commission Executive Director Jane Leonard said. “We hope every citizen in Minnesota can become engaged, as well, through the local and statewide events and projects.”

Marketing and advertising firm BBDO in Minneapolis donated their time, materials and technology to create the Minnesota Sesquicentennial Logo. Yves Roux, Vice President and Creative Director of BBDO, along with Governor Pawlenty, unveiled the new logo.

In 2005, the State Legislature authorized the establishment of the 17-member Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission to begin preparation and organization of a statewide effort to celebrate Minnesota’s history and engage citizens in planning for the state’s future. Governor Pawlenty appointed nine members of the commission, representing Minnesota’s major corporate, non-profit, and public sector companies, while the legislature appointed the remaining eight members.

The Sesquicentennial Commission is chaired by Cay Shea Hellervik, Vice President of Personnel Decisions, International, while the Commission’s Vice Chair is Reatha Clark King, who is a senior advisor to the Minnesota Council on Foundations. Other members of the commission include State Senator Don Betzold; State Representative Sondra Erickson; Elizabeth Hartwig, health policy director for the Minnesota Business Partnership; Tess Hohman, corporate communications manager for General Mills; Sarah Janecek, publisher of Politics in Minnesota, The Weekly Report; State Representative Morrie Lanning; former State Senator Cal Larson; State Representative Diane Loeffler; State Senator Gen Olson; State Senator Pat Pariseau; Mark Peterson, executive director of the Winona County Historical Society; State Senator Ann Rest; Dallas Ross, director of environmental programs for the Upper Sioux and Lower Sioux Indian Communities; State Representative Loren Solberg; and Joe C. Swedberg, corporate Vice President of Hormel Foods Corporation.

Governor Pawlenty also announced the appointment of Jane Leonard as the executive director of the Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission. Previously, Leonard was President of Minnesota Rural Partners, Inc. (MRP), Minnesota’s private, non-profit rural development council. Jane served as acting executive director of MRP since August 2003, and became President in March 2004. She was also a board member throughout MRP’s 11 year history. In her 25-year career, Jane has been particularly interested in helping communities of all kinds build and support a healthy balance of civic society and market-based economy.



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