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One Minnesota.
Our State.
Our Future.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Cowles Auditorium
Humphrey Center
301 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis

Interactive technology displays of process improvements in state government

9:00 a.m. WELCOME
J. Brian Atwood, dean, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

Representative Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Speaker of the Minnesota House of Representatives

9:30 a.m. SESSION ONE: Minnesota’s Place in the Global Economy
Introduction of speakers by Representative Margaret Anderson Kelliher

Content: How is the global economy affecting Minnesota’s economy and driving change in Minnesota?


10:30 a.m. BREAK
Interactive technology displays of process improvements in state government

11:00 a.m. SESSION TWO: Minnesota’s Changing Demographics and the Impact on the Economy

Audio Part I *    Audio Part II *    Audio Part III *

Introduction of speakers by Senator Geoff Michel


  • Overall U.S. population shifts and the impact on Minnesota
  • Demographic changes in Minnesota
  • Impact of changing demographics on demand for public services
  • Regional economic centers, rural/urban split, characteristics of Minnesota’s regions


  • Tom Gillaspy, Minnesota State Demographer
  • Tom Stinson, Minnesota State Economist

12:15 p.m. BREAK

12:30 p.m. Interactive technology displays of process improvements in state government

12:30 p.m. LUNCH: Carlson School of Management Atrium

The Changing Role of State Legislatures    Audio *

Introduction of speakers by Senator Larry Pogemiller, Majority Leader


  • Governor Arne Carlson
  • Governor Al Quie
  • Governor Wendy Anderson
  • Congressman Martin Sabo
  • Moderated by Professor Lawrence Jacobs, director, Center for the Study of Politics and Governance, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

2:00 p.m. BREAK

2:15 p.m. Interactive technology displays of process improvements in state government

2:15 p.m. SESSION THREE: Technology and the Global Economy   Audio Part I *    Audio Part II *

Introduction of speakers by Representative Marty Seifert, Minority Leader


  • Broad overview of technology and its impact on government
  • Challenges in the public sector, and becoming a technology savvy state


  • Jerry Mechling, director, E-Government Executive Education Project, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
  • Vance Opperman, president and CEO, Key Investment
  • Gopal Khanna, Minnesota State Chief Information Officer


5:00 p.m. Interactive Shubert Theater Arts Education Demonstration (3:45 - 4:15 p.m.)

Poster presentations by legislative working groups:
Overview of working groups

About the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance and the Humphrey Institute

*If you wish to download these files, right click on the "Audio" link and choose "Save Target As"

One Minnesota.
Our State.
Our Future.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Cowles Auditorium
Humphrey Center
301 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis

Suggested Reading

Some conference speakers noted suggested reading. These are listed below, with links to the full text when possible. (Some links may only work within the Capitol Complex.)

**Legislators and staff: To borrow cited books, or for copies of articles, contact the Legislative Reference Library at 296-8310 or by email.

Peter Harkness, Editor, Governing magazine

Janet Dolan, former CEO of Tennant, Minnesota. When asked for recommended reading on issues of the global economy, she noted:

  • Gibon, Edward. The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. (originally pulished in 1777).
  • Friedman, Tom. The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c.2006.
  • She reads Asian business newspapers and the Wall Street Journal Asia .

Bob Senkler, Chair and CEO, Securian Financial Group

Governor Arne Carlson

Tom Gillaspy, Minnesota State Demographer, and Tom Stinson, Minnesota State Economist.
The speakers noted that interesting demographic information, including much of the information in their presentation, was published in The Rural Minnesota Journal.

**Legislators and staff: To borrow cited books, or for copies of articles, contact the Legislative Reference Library at 296-8310 or by email.