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Newly Acquired Minnesota State Government Reports

This list is drawn from the Legislative Reference Library's acquisition database. The items have been received, but not yet cataloged. It is intended as an alerting service for those librarians and researchers who are actively acquiring documents and need timely notice of the publication of new reports. For a monthly email reminder of Newly Acquired Minnesota State Government Reports, sign up by going to the Minnesota Legislative Library News Lists page and choose "Newdocs." For notification of individual new reports, sign up for the Newly Acquired Minnesota State Government Reports RSS feed.

This checklist fulfills the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 3.195, subdivision 3.

Other Editions

New State Government Reports From June 2014

Center for Rural Policy and Development

State of Rural Minnesota Report. Publication Date: 2014.
Mandated by: 2006 Minn. Laws Chap. 281 Art. 4 Sec. 5 (Minn. Stat. 116J.421 Subd. 3)

Metropolitan Council

Arterial Transitway Corridors Study. Publication Date: April 2012.

Midtown Corridor Alternatives Analysis: Final Report. Publication Date: April 2014.

Orange Line Bus Rapid Transit: Project Plan Update. Publication Date: April 2014.

Minn. Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board

Advisory Opinions July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014, Numbers 436-438
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 10A.02 Subd. 12

Minn. Dept. of Commerce

Report of Loss Ratio Experience in the Individual and Small Employer Health Plan Markets for: Insurance Companies, Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations and HMOs (Revised). Publication Date: June 2014.
Mandated by: 1997 Minn. Laws Chap. 225 Art. 2 Sec. 2 (Minn. Stat. 62A.021 Subd. 1)

Minn. Dept. of Corrections

Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision Report to the Legislature. Publication Date: March 2014.
Mandated by: 2002 Minn. Laws Chap. 268 Sec. 2 Subd. 3 (Minn. Stat. 243.1606 Subd. 3)

Probation Survey. Publication Date: April 2014.

Minn. Dept. of Education

Report on Homeless Children Served. Publication Date: July 2014.
Mandated by: 2013 Minn. Laws Chap. 116 Art. 5 Sec. 30 (Minn. Stat. 125A.125)

Review of Education-Related Mandates. Publication Date: February 2014.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 127A.05 Subd. 2

Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources

Enger, Steve and Emily Bartusek. Management of Rooted Aquatic Vegetation, Algae, Leeches, Swimmer's Itch. Publication Date: May 2014.

Minn. Dept. of Public Safety

Fire Safety Account Financial Report. Coverage Dates: FY 2013.
Mandated by: 2006 Minn. Laws Chap. 217 Sec. 3 Subd. 3 (Minn. Stat. 299F.012 subd. 3)

Minnesota Crime Information. Publication Date: July 1, 2014.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.5532
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.5531 Subd. 2
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 626.553 Subd. 2
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 299C.52 Subd. 5
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 299C.18

Minn. Historical Society

The Future of History Matters: 20-Year Vision and Five-Year Strategic Plan for History in Minnesota and the Minnesota Historical Society. Publication Date: December 2013.

Minn. Legislature

Congressional Plan: S.F. No. 1597/H.F. No. 1728. Publication Date: January 7, 1992.

Minn. Legislature - Minn. House of Representatives - House Research

Manzi, Nina. Major State Aids and Taxes: A Comparative Analysis. Publication Date: June 2014.

Shepard, Mark. Reports Mandated by the 2014 Legislature. Publication Date: June 2014.

Manzi, Nina and Joel Michael. Short Subjects: Capital Gains Taxation: Federal and State (Updated). Publication Date: June 2014.

Punelli, Danyell. Short Subjects: Child Care Assistance (Updated). Publication Date: June 2014.

Michael, Joel. Short Subjects: Estate and Inheritance Taxation: An Overview of Taxes in the States (Updated). Publication Date: July 2014.

Larson, Lisa. Short Subjects: Federal Accountability and the No Child Left Behind Act Waiver. Publication Date: June 2014.

Michael, Joel and Nina Manzi. Short Subjects: Minnesota Angel Investment Credit (Updated). Publication Date: June 2014.

Punelli, Danyell. Short Subjects: Minnesota Family Investment Program (Revised). Publication Date: June 2014.

Manzi, Nina. Short Subjects: Minnesota Taxable Income (Updated). Publication Date: June 2014.

Short Subjects: Nursing Facility Reimbursement. Publication Date: June 2014.

Michael, Joel. Short Subjects: Single Sales Apportionment of Corporate Franchise Tax (Updated). Publication Date: June 2014.

Larson, Lisa. Short Subjects: State Laws on Teacher Quality and Effectiveness (Update). Publication Date: June 2014.

Michael, Joel. Short Subjects: Tax Increment Financing (Updated). Publication Date: June 2014.

Manzi, Nina. Short Subjects: The Federal Earned Income Tax Credit and Minnesota Working Family Credit: An Overview (Updated). Publication Date: June 2014.

Larson, Lisa. Short Subjects: World Language Proficiency for High School Students. Publication Date: June 2014.

Pirius, Rebecca. The Minnesota Judiciary: A Guide for Legislators. Publication Date: May 2014.

Minn. Legislature - Office of the Legislative Auditor

Financial Audit Division Report: Department of Human Rights. Publication Date: June 5, 2014.

Minn. State Agricultural Society

Annual Report, Minnesota State Fair. Publication Date: 2014.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 37.06

Minn. State Retirement System

Correctional Employee's Retirement Plan Handbook. Publication Date: 2011.

General Employees Retirement Handbook. Publication Date: 2011.

State Patrol Retirement Plan Handbook. Publication Date: 2012.

Unclassified Retirement Plan Handbook. Publication Date: 2012.

Office of the Attorney General

Guarding Your Privacy: Tips to Prevent Identity Theft. Publication Date: April 2013.

Office of the State Auditor

Criminal Forfeitures in Minnesota. Publication Date: June 4, 2014.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 609.5315 Subd. 6(d)

Local Government Lobbying Services. Publication Date: June 23, 2014.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 6.76

Minnesota City Budgets: 2014 Summary Budget Data Together With 2013 Revised Summary Budget Data. Publication Date: April 14, 2014.
Mandated by: Minn. Stat. 6.75