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Title: Rep. Daudt Letter to Gov. re: LCPFP
Article Date: 11/25/2013
Type: Other
File: 187047659-Rep-Daudt-Letter-to-Gov-re-LCPFP.pdf 
File: 187051076-DEED-Slideshow.pdf 

Text: November 25, 2013

Honorable Mark Dayton
Governor, State of Minnesota
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Governor Dayton:

This letter is to convey my concerns regarding the presentation delivered by your Department of
Employment and Economic Development (DEED) at the Legislative Commission on Planning
and Fiscal Policy (LCPFP) meeting on Wednesday, November 20.

The form and content of the presentation was inappropriately partisan and political. Rather than
focusing on facts and figures to properly inform the members of the LCPFP, the presentation
used political buzzwords and phrases. The presentation was designed to look like a re-election
campaign advertisement for you and not to report the status of the job market to the legislature.
Members of both parties around the table raised concerns with this presentation and the biased
nature in which the information was presented.

The nature of the presentation makes the preparation and use of it is an inappropriate use of state
resources for campaign purposes. This is a violation of Minnesota Statute §21 lB.09 prohibiting
state employees, in an official capacity, from taking part in political activity. Should your agency
continue using this presentation in an official capacity, my caucus will take any action necessary
to protect the hardworking taxpayers of Minnesota from this impermissible use of their tax

Further, some of the information in this presentation is inaccurate. The 2014-15 budget approved
by the DFL-controlled legislature, which raised $2.1 billion in new taxes, did not eliminate a $6
billion deficit. The $6 billion deficit was erased under the 2012-13 budget passed by a GOP
legislature which raised no state taxes. Additionally, the $2.6 billion (number from your
documents) repaid to schools was also accomplished under the 2012-13 GOP budget.

Please ask your Commissioner to refrain from using this inappropriate and inaccurate
presentation in the future. Working together will require us to set aside our partisan differences
for the good of the people of Minnesota.

Representative Kurt Daudt
Minority Leader, Minnesota House of Representatives
District 31 A

cc: LCPFP Members

Additional Attachment: presentation slides


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