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Title: Letter from Sen. Jason Isaacson to Sen. Mark Johnson Regarding Senate Redistricting Plans
Article Date: 1/11/2022
Type: Other
File: Isaacson_Letter.pdf 

Text: Dear Senator Johnson
Minnesota Senate Building
95 West University Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155

I am writing you to express my deep disappointment in the process and maps drafted by the
Senate Republican caucus. At the Redistricting Committee hearing on May 11th, you stated: ''We
want to make sure this is open and fair as possible." Unfortunately, the process that your
committee has undertaken has not been as open or as fair as Minnesotans should expect.

First, none of the members of the Redistricting Committee - DFL, Republican, or Independent -
were able to vote on or amend the redistricting principles used to create your proposed maps. It is
not consistent with your own words, nor is it in the spirit of transparency in the Redistricting
process to withhold redistricting principles without allowing members of the committee to vote
or offer amendments.

Next, the committee has not heard testimony from people hailing from a broad swath of
Minnesota. As a committee, we heard just over two hours of testimony from individuals
representing only three regions of the state. This pales in comparison to the numerous hours of
testimony provided to the House over the course of eleven hearings. To have an open,
transparent, and fair process, we should have heard testimony from more Minnesotans
representing different areas of the state prior to drafting new maps.

Finally, it is clear that the wishes of those who did testify were not taken into consideration
during the Republican map drafting process. What testimony did we hear in support of dividing
Mankato or Northfield into two districts? What testimony did we hear in support of splitting
Rochester or St Cloud into three districts? It is inevitable that we will need to make difficult
decisions to divide a single community into multiple legislative districts but proposing to split
communities without sufficient testimony in support of those proposals is harmful.

The DFL members of the Senate Redistricting Committee have been willing and able to meet to
discuss the principles that guide our redistricting process and to consider more testimony from
the public to ensure that we have the information necessary to draft fair maps. We are committed
to empowering Minnesotans to choose their legislators, not the other way around The flawed
process followed by the Senate Republicans will only further erode the public's trust that our
redistricting process is open and fair.


Senator Jason Isaacson
SD 42


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