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Title: Senate Republican Caucus Compromise Offer
Article Date: 3/27/2023
Type: Other
File: SenateRepublicanCompormise_20230327.pdf 

Text: Senate Republican Caucus Compromise Offer
Senate Republicans support passage of the following, as a complete package:
1. Passage of HF 669 ($1.5 billion, as failed to pass the Senate), plus an additional $200 million for local roads and bridges;
2. Passage of HF 670 ($398 million cash for capital improvements);
3. Passage of an omnibus Tax Bill providing tax relief of $3 billion in FY 2024-25, $2.446 billion in FY 2026-27;
a. Bill must include full elimination of the income tax on Social Security; and
b. Bill cannot include any tax increases.
4. Passage of an omnibus Human Services Bill increasing spending by $1.53B in FY 2024-25, $1.82B in FY 2026-27;
a. Bill must address statewide needs at long term care facilities and nursing homes.
5. Passage of an omnibus Agriculture Bill increasing spending by $80 million in FY 2024-25, $80 million in FY 2026-27.


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