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~ Vietnam Veteran has over 24 years of service in the Veterans Affairs Department ~

St. Paul -- Governor Tim Pawlenty today named Clark Dyrud Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, effective March 28, 2005. Dyrud currently serves as Director of Veterans Programs with the Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs.

"The 460,000 veterans in our state have made tremendous sacrifices for our freedoms," Governor Pawlenty said. "With the appointment of Clark Dyrud, these patriots will have a tireless and passionate advocate to champion their interests and serve their needs."

"Governor Pawlenty is a strong supporter and a true friend of veterans in our state," said Dyrud. "It is a tremendous honor to serve the Governor and continue my lifelong passion of service to my fellow veterans in this important role."

Dyrud, 58, resides in Minneapolis and has served the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs more than 24 years. Most recently as Director of Veterans Programs, Dyrud provided supervision of claims and benefit services as well as assistance to 87 county veteran service offices in the state.

Dyrud grew up on a farm north of Thief River Falls. He was educated in a one-room school house in his primary years. After graduating from high school in 1966, Dyrud volunteered for the draft and then volunteered for duty in Vietnam.

Dyrud served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968 as a squad leader (sergeant) in a mechanized infantry unit. While serving in Vietnam, he was wounded in combat. After a month in a field hospital, followed by a month in recuperation, he returned to the field. Dryud received a Purple Heart for his wounds received. He was discharged from the U.S. Army in 1968.

Dyrud began his work with veterans in 1973, when he took the position of Pennington County Veterans Service Officer. In 1976, he was named Community Service Coordinator in the Psychiatric Unit of Northwestern Hospital in Thief River Falls. In 1980, Dyrud joined the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, taking a security position for the Minnesota Veterans' Homes. In 1981, Dyrud was appointed Supervisor of the Department's Fargo Branch Office.

From 1985 to 2004 Dyrud served as Claims Division Supervisor of the Department's Ft. Snelling Office. In 2004, he was named Director of Veterans Programs. In this position, Dyrud provided supervision of claims and benefit services as well as assistance to Minnesota's 87 county veteran service offices.

Dyrud is a member of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled American Veterans, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart. He received an A.A. degree from Northland Community College in Thief River Falls. Dyrud also attended Metropolitan State University in St. Paul. Dyrud and his wife, Marilynn O'Donnell, reside in south Minneapolis.

The Commissioner of Veteran Affairs reports to the Governor and receives a salary of $108,000 per year. The Department has an annual budget of over $7 million and serves veterans in securing all state and federal benefits provided by law.



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