This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.

Saint Paul - Governor Tim Pawlenty today appointed all 12 members of the Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee.  The advisory committee will assist the Metropolitan Council in studying the water needs of the Twin Cities metropolitan area and developing a regional water supply master plan. 

The advisory committee was authorized by a 2005 law, which directed the Council to complete technical studies and develop a master plan assuring the reliability, security and cost-effectiveness of the region's water supply system.

The legislation also directed the Council and the advisory committee to develop recommendations for streamlining the present water supply decision-making and approval processes, which involve multiple state and regional agencies.

"As the Land of 10,000 Lakes, the origin of the Mississippi River and the home of abundant groundwater supplies, some people may take this precious resource for granted," said Governor Pawlenty. "However, our water supply is not infinite, and it needs to be protected and used properly."

Peter Bell, chair of the Met Council, said his agency has no interest in getting into the water supply business. "That will remain a responsibility of the municipalities in the metropolitan area," he said.  "But groundwater aquifers, rivers and watersheds aren't confined to any one political subdivision. It makes sense to take a regional approach to water supply planning." 

The members of the new advisory committee include five agency officials designated by the law: Peter Bell, chair of the Metropolitan Council, who will chair the advisory committee; Gene Hugoson, commissioner of the Department of Agriculture; Diane Mandernach, commissioner of the Department of Health; Gene Merriam, commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources; and Sheryl Corrigan, commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency. 

Also appointed were:

·         Dennis Berg, Anoka County commissioner

·         Joseph A. Harris, Dakota County commissioner

·         Tom Furlong, Mayor of Chanhassen

·         Linda Loomis, Mayor of Golden Valley

·         Barry A. Stock, City Administrator of Savage

·         Beverly Aplikowski, Mayor of Arden Hills

·         Chuck Haas, Hugo City Council member  

Under the law, the Council must submit its first report to the Legislature on its water supply planning efforts by January 2007, and provide updates every five years thereafter.  The advisory committee expires December 31, 2008. 

The Metropolitan Council is the regional planning organization for the seven-county metropolitan area. It runs the regional bus and light-rail system, collects and treats wastewater and coordinates water resources preservation, plans regional parks and administers funds that provide housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income individuals and families. The 17-member Council is appointed by the Governor.