This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.

Governor Tim Pawlenty today announced the reappointment of Brenda Elmer and Robert Provost to the Minnesota Automobile Assigned Claims Bureau Governing Board. Both are appointed to public member positions and will serve two-year terms that expire on January 1, 2007.

Elmer, of Moorhead, is a volunteer in the Moorhead community and is a former staffer with the Minnesota House of Representatives. Elmer has been a member of the board since 2003.

Provost, of Golden Valley, is a shared executive with the Carlson School of Management and was president of the Minnesota Insurance Information Center and chaired the Consumer Information Task Force when the state's no-fault insurance law was implemented. Provost has been a member of the board since 1991.

The Minnesota Automobile Assigned Claims Bureau governs the operation of the Minnesota Auto Assigned Claims Plan in providing no-fault basic economic loss benefits to eligible recipients. The governing board consists of seven members, including two public members appointed by the Governor.