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Laws of Minnesota 2008, Chapter 152 (HF2800)

Transportation finance package

An act relating to transportation finance; appropriating money for transportation activities; providing funding for highway maintenance, debt service, and local roads; appropriating funds for emergency relief related to the I-35W bridge collapse; establishing a trunk highway bridge improvement program; requiring a study of value capture to reduce the public costs of large transportation infrastructure investment; authorizing sale and issuance of bonds; modifying motor vehicle registration and motor fuel taxes; establishing annual surcharge on motor fuel taxes; creating a motor fuels tax credit; allocating motor vehicle lease tax revenues; providing for local transportation sales taxes; modifying county state-aid highway fund revenue allocation; prohibiting tolling or privatization of existing transportation facilities; establishing bridge improvement program; modifying driver's license reinstatement fee provisions; regulating certain transit funding activities; modifying provisions related to various transportation-related funds and accounts; establishing a task force; requiring reports.

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