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"Good Morning, Minnesota"

In the Scripture, the Lord asks, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

Isaiah responded by saying, “Here am I, Send me!”

In the defining moments of this glorious nation, our character, our resolve, and our collective soul have been tested.

In those moments, the country has asked: Who shall we send? And who will go for us?

Our heroes, the brave men and women in our United States military, always answer that call by saying: Here am I, send me.

More than 326,000 Minnesotans served in World War II. More than 6,000 gave their lives. About 45,000 World War II veterans live in Minnesota today.

In addition to those in uniform, nearly everyone else served. Nearly everyone sacrificed.

It was called the “peoples’ war” because nearly everyone was in it or impacted by it.

Loved ones kept the home fires burning.

Factories operated around the clock to produce needed supplies and many of their workers were women who were new to the workforce.

People saved and rationed to help the effort.

Two out of every three citizens purchased war bonds.

“Victory gardens” planted on rooftops and in backyards supplied needed vegetables and food to communities.

The nation faced its largest-scale challenge, and the country was committed, involved and united.

Our World War II veterans taught us that when evil rises up and threatens our country, it must be defeated with the superior force of goodness.

Everything we enjoy today – security, prosperity and the ability to enjoy freedom – was bought with the price of their service.

They set aside their dreams, so we could live ours.

Today, we dedicate this memorial in honor of the greatness and goodness Minnesota’s World War II veterans gave the world.

We also owe them a debt of gratitude for another valuable gift they have given us: footprints to follow.

Our World War II veterans have showed us what confidence can build.

These brave Minnesotans faced down the Nazis and Imperial Japan, and returned with the courage and strength to change our country for the better.

They saved the world and then built a better one.

Having seen the worst in mankind, they came home and brought out the best in mankind.

We need to live gratefully, as good stewards of what our veterans made possible.

This memorial reminds us of the importance of our country’s values. These values are at risk of extinction without our commitment to pass them on, from one generation to the next.

Life is not a sprint or even a marathon. It is a relay race.

We will not continue to be successful as a nation, unless we successfully pass the baton to the next generation.

This memorial helps tell the story and teach the lessons of this most extraordinary generation which we honor today.

In that way, it will help pass the baton to the generations to come. In a moment, I will ask you to join me in expressing gratitude to the World War II veterans here today.

Before we do that, I ask that our World War II veterans who are able to please stand and please hold your applause until I make a few additional comments about them.

These veterans and those who served with them gave America the best years of their life -- when they were young and strong; when they had a twinkle in their eye and a bounce in their step.

Today, they remain strong in many ways.

But, time and history have marched on.

Those who remain are a little gray, the stride in their step may have slowed just a bit, and some can’t always hear so well.

But on behalf of Minnesota, we want to make sure they hear our message today loudly and clearly.

It is simply this: We love you. We are profoundly grateful for what you have done, and you will forever be our heroes.

Please join me now in expressing our gratitude for these amazing Americans.

We thank God for these heroes, and we pray that each of us has the courage to live a life worthy of their legacy.



   Copyright 2006 Office of Governor Tim Pawlenty


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